
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake!

Hello 2025 - let's kick off the new year!

htt Group new Sales Representative for Nisene!
We are more than happy to announce that we are the new Sales Representative in Central Europe for Nisene.
Nisene is specialized in advanced integrated circuit decapsulation systems used in the failure analysis of encapsulated integrated circuits.

Little glimpse of Semicon Europa: watch our movie!
We created a nice video to give a little glampse of this year's Semicon Europa Show we attended in November!
Can't wait to see all of you again next year!

This year's Semicon Europa Show has been another great success for the Team of htt Group.
We had many product specialists from around the world at our booth, such as specialists from: MPI Thermal, MPI Probecards, H-Square, IS-Test, Japan Unix, Nordson Test & Inspection, former Cyberoptics, TTS, Reid Ashman, Tesec, Jenoptik, Celadon Probecards, Xedion, Waftech, IOSS, MSP and many more!
Can't wait to see all again next year!


Our Sales Team needs support in the the International Sales of WID120 Wafer ID Readers.
Learn more about the new benchmark in Wafer ID Reading in the below video and don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested in joining our team!

htt Group @Semicon Europa, 2024
Visit us at our booth for LIVE DEMOS of many of our products. Please do not hesitate to say 'Hi' when you are around. Many product specialists and reps will be on site at our booths to answer your questions!

NEWS: LAST CHANCE TO BUY AVS and ALS2 Wafers from Nordson Test & Inspection (former Cyberoptics)
More information about Nordson Test & Inspection's products here
htt Group new Sales Representative for NORDSON Test & Inspection Bond Test Systems
We are more than happy to announce, that htt Group is the new Sales Rep for Central Europe for Nordson Test & Inspection's Bond Test Systems.
Besides Bond and Material Test Systems, htt Group also took over the Sales efforts for Automated X-ray Metrology systems like the AXM XM8000 Wafer.

htt Group with a small booth at SMTConnect, Nuremberg
We are happy to announce that we will demonstrate some products LIVE during SMTConnect in Nuremberg.
We will have a Japan Unix Solder Robot, Fancort Trim & Form Tool, MPI Thermal Air Temperature Forcing System and a Nordson Bondtester on our booth.
If you are around, don't miss to stop at our booth to get a LIVE DEMO or chat with our product specialists on site!

htt Group Team @SWTest Conference in Carlsbad
The Semiconductor Wafer Test Conference (SWTest) is celebrating over 30 years as the only industry event that focuses on all the aspects associated with microelectronic wafer and die level testing.
The conference has the perfect mixture of manufacturer and vendor presentations. It is a probe technology forum where attendees come to learn about recent developments in the industry and exchange ideas. There is a relaxed atmosphere with a golf tournament, an EXPO, social activities and plenty of time for informal discussion and networking.

CS International in Brussels: 16th & 17th of April, 2024
Only 1 week until #csinternational workshop will take place in Brussels. Don't miss the chance to see our speakers David Liese and Michael Köppl talking about SiC Success stories through technical innovation!

Semicon China 2024 - Thanks for having us!!

ITWS is back!!!
After 5 years, we will finally have an ITWS - European IS-Test Workshop Event again this year!
Stay tuned - the official registration for attendees and speakers will open soon!
#workshop #semiconductor #wafertest

Semicon China 2024 starts in 4 weeks!!
Only 4 more weeks until #semiconchina2024 will open its doors in Shanghai!
If you plan your visit, don't miss to say Hi at at the MPI Corporation booth as well as the #kngtech booth!
We will have LIVE Demos of our #wid120 #waferidreader and at the KNG Booth we will even demonstrate the #mbwr200 #batchwaferreader by mechatronic systemtechnik, a Wafer Batch ID Reader System for 200mm Wafer which combines Notch-Alignment and Wafer ID Reading for 8" wafers in one tool.
Sergio Marques and Sebastian Siml will be on site and happy to provide product demos and answer your questions!
#httgroup #httgrouparoundtheworld #httgroupatsemiconchina #httgroupinshanghai #semiconchina #semiconchina2024 #semi #semiconductor #semiconductorindustry

NEWS: HTT Dresden is the new European SErvice Center for Celadon Probe Card Repairs
ATV and htt Group Probecard Division Dresden announce the "European Service Center for Celadon Probe Card Repairs".
We now offer regional services to repair Celadon Systems, Inc. PROBE CARDS!
Celadon Probe Cards are ideally suited for temperature tests up to 400 °C the electrical parameters are at the highest level. Now with the fast, highly qualified and geographically close service of the Probe Cards, Celadon is becoming even more attractive.
Celadon Probe Cards are a high tech product for the highest quality test.
Your benefits:
➡ Simplyfied cost structure
➡ Faster turn around
➡ Domestic Shipment - no customs clearance neccessary

Happy Chinese New Year - Happy Lunar new Year
It's the year of the (wood) dragon!!

htt Group new Sales Rep of Autoblocks
Let's kick of the new year with some major news: htt Group is the new Sales Partner of AUTOBLOCKS, the Custom Automation Solutions for Your Business
At Autoblocks™, we specialize in providing block-based automation solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts combined advanced engineering, cutting-edge technology, and industry experience to deliver high-quality products and services. Whether you’re looking for custom automation block development, fixtures, end-of-arm tooling, robot programming, data tracking, or proof of concept testing, we’ve got you covered.

htt Group Reader Division @SEMICON JAPAN in Tokyo
We will be at #semiconjapan this week with our partner #tokyomachinevision at booth No. 1805 at Tokyo Big Sight!
Come by to get a LIVE DEMO of our #wid120 #waferidreader or just to have a little chat with our CEO Sebastian Siml and our Sales Director Asia Sergio Marques!
#httgroup #biginjapan #httgroupinjapan #semiconjapan2023 #tokyobigsight #semi #semiconductor #halbleiter #halbleitertechnologie #semiconductorindustry #sic #gan #siliconcarbide #galliumnitride